So maybe you have been an aquarium hobbyist for years, starting with freshwater tropical, moving on to freshwater planted and now you are ready for the next step, or you are just getting into the aquarium hobby and you want to jump right in to a saltwater aquarium. This type of aquarium setup is demanding and there is so much information out there that it’s a little overwhelming. Every hobbyist has an idea of what’s right and wrong when it comes to saltwater setups. However one thing is common among them all. There are agreed upon similarities when setting up this type of aquarium. My hope, in this article, is to explain those common similarities allowing you to get started and then figure out what works for you and what doesn’t as time goes on.
Seasonal Effects on Ponds
Most ponds are built during the late spring or summer. So you built a pond and now you’re wondering what you should expect. It has looked great since the project’s completion but has not cycled through a year of seasonal effects. You want your pond to look great, but what is your involvement going to be during the seasonal changes to keep it that way?
Wildlife Acclimation
Coming home with a new fish purchase is always exciting. However, most people are concerned with how the fish will acclimate to its new environment. Will it survive? Will it stay healthy? Or will it inflict the other inhabitants with sickness? Here are some steps to ensure the introduction of your fish is as healthy and happy as possible.
Fish Disease Prevention Tips
It’s unfortunate that our fish get sick but it happens and sometimes for no explainable reason. The number of unexplainable questions that arise when you discover you have a sick fish can get stressful. In addition, the diagnosis of disease can, for some ailments, be difficult or wrong. Then a misdiagnosed disease and its subsequent treatment can exacerbate the problem your wildlife is experiencing. This can all be a stressful situation!
The Nitrogen Cycle
Build up of nitrogenous waste, detritus, and impurities in an aquarium cause fish to stress and can lead directly to disease and possibly death of your aquatic wildlife. An aquarist’s understanding of the nitrogen cycle is key to maintaining a healthy aquatic environment.
Dealing With Algae: Freshwater
Algae are a wonderful group of plants that have evolved over billions of years to adapt themselves to just about any aquatic habitat where the nutrients and sunlight are enough for proliferation. On the other hand, for aquatic hobbyists it can be a nuisance and an eyesore. So what to do?